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curl: Pass a username and password for server authentication.
$ curl --user myusername:mypassword ${http:--example-com}
try on your machine

The curl command is a powerful tool used for making requests to URLs in various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.

In the provided command:

  • --user myusername:mypassword specifies the username and password that will be used for authentication when making the request. Replace myusername and mypassword with your actual credentials.
  • ${http:--example-com} is a placeholder for the URL to which you want to make the request. It should be replaced with the actual URL you want to access.

So when you run the command, curl will make a request to the specified URL with the provided username and password for authentication.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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