The command "cvs -d ${path-to-repository} init" is used to initialize a new CVS (Concurrent Versions System) repository at the specified path.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"cvs": This is the command-line utility for CVS, used to interact with CVS repositories.
"-d": This option is used to specify the location or directory path where the repository should be created.
"${path-to-repository}": This is the placeholder for the actual path to the desired location of the repository. You should replace it with the actual path on your system.
"init": This is the command that tells CVS to initialize a new repository at the specified path. It sets up the necessary directory structure and initializes the repository database.
By running this command with the correct path to the desired repository location, you can create a new CVS repository that can be used for version control of files and collaborative development.