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cvs: Update the working directory from the remote repository.
$ cvs update
try on your machine

The command "cvs update" is used in the CVS (Concurrent Versions System) version control system to update a local working copy of a project with any changes made to the repository since the last update or checkout.

When you run "cvs update," it connects to the CVS repository and checks for any updates or new changes. If there are any, it applies those changes to your local working copy of the project files.

The "cvs update" command has a few different flags and options that can be used to modify its behavior. Some commonly used flags are:

  • -A: Reset any sticky tags or dates on files.
  • -d: Create any directories that exist in the repository but not in your working copy.
  • -P: Delete any empty directories from your working copy that don't exist in the repository.
  • -j: Merge changes from two different branches or revisions.

Overall, the "cvs update" command is a fundamental operation in CVS, allowing you to keep your local project up to date with the latest changes made by other users or contributors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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