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Run Cypress Headless
$ npx cypress run
try on your machine

The npx cypress run command is used to run Cypress tests using the CLI (Command Line Interface).

npx is a command that comes with npm version 5.2 and higher. It allows you to run packages without having to install them globally.

cypress is the Cypress command line interface that allows you to run the tests from the terminal.

run is the command to run the tests. This command will pick up the cypress.json configuration file, which contains the information needed to run the tests, such as the location of the test files, the browser to use, and other settings.

Once executed, the command will start the Cypress test runner, which runs the specified tests in the terminal. It will also generate a report with the test results after the tests are completed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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