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d8: Run a JavaScript file.
$ d8 ${filename-js}
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The command "d8 ${filename-js}" is written in a syntax that suggests it is meant to be executed in a command line interface or terminal. Here is a breakdown of its components:

  • "d8": This is the executable command for the V8 JavaScript engine's shell, also known as "d8". The V8 engine is an open-source JavaScript execution engine developed by Google and is used in various applications such as the Google Chrome browser.

  • "${filename-js}": This denotes a placeholder for the filename of a JavaScript file. The "${filename-js}" syntax suggests that you need to replace it with the actual filename of a JavaScript file, including the ".js" extension. For example, if the JavaScript file is named "script.js", you should replace "${filename-js}" with "script.js" resulting in "d8 script.js".

Therefore, the command "d8 ${filename-js}" is used to run a JavaScript file using the V8 engine's shell. By replacing "${filename-js}" with the actual filename, you can execute the specified JavaScript file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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