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dash: Start an interactive shell session.
$ dash
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The term "dash" can be interpreted in a few different ways, depending on the context. Here are two common meanings of "dash" as a command:

  1. In computing, "dash" usually refers to the UNIX shell command interpreter. It is a lightweight and fast alternative to the more feature-rich "bash" shell. The "dash" command is used to start a new shell session with the "dash" interpreter.

  2. "Dash" can also refer to a typographical symbol or punctuation mark, commonly represented as a horizontal line ( - ). As a command, "dash" might be used to generate or display dashes in a specific format or to perform actions related to dash usage in various applications (e.g., word processors, text editors).

Without further context, it is challenging to provide a more specific explanation of the "dash" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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