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date: Display the current ISO week number.
$ date +%V
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The command "date +%V" is used to display the current week number in the year according to the ISO 8601 standard.

The "+" symbol indicates that the following character(s) represent a format specifier. In this case, "%V" is the format specifier used to get the week number.

The ISO 8601 week numbering system defines the first week of the year as the one that contains at least four days in the new year. It starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday. Week numbers go from 01 to 53, representing the weeks in a year.

So, when you run the command "date +%V", it will display the current week number in the year, based on the ISO 8601 standard.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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