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dd: Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid file (such like `archlinux-xxx.iso`).
$ dd if=${filename-iso} of=/dev/${usb_drive}
try on your machine

The command dd if=${filename-iso} of=/dev/${usb_drive} is used to create a bootable USB drive by writing the contents of an ISO image file to the USB drive.

Here's how the command works:

  • dd is a Unix command used for converting and copying files. It stands for "data description" and is commonly used for low-level operations like creating bootable media.

  • if=${filename-iso} specifies the input file, in this case, the ISO image file that you want to write to the USB drive. ${filename-iso} represents the variable name for the ISO file.

  • of=/dev/${usb_drive} specifies the output file, which is the USB drive you want to write the ISO image to. /dev/${usb_drive} represents the variable name for the USB drive.

By running this command and replacing the ${filename-iso} and ${usb_drive} variables with appropriate values, you can create a bootable USB drive containing the contents of the ISO image file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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