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dd: Generate a file of 100 random bytes by using kernel random driver.
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=${path-to-random_file} bs=${100} count=${1}
try on your machine

The command dd if=/dev/urandom of=${path-to-random_file} bs=${100} count=${1} is used to create a file with random data.

  • dd: The command for copying or converting files and data.
  • if=/dev/urandom: Specifies the input file, in this case, /dev/urandom. /dev/urandom is a special file on Unix-like systems that provides an endless stream of pseudorandom numbers.
  • of=${path-to-random_file}: Specifies the output file, where ${path-to-random_file} is the path and name of the file you want to create.
  • bs=${100}: Specifies the block size for copying. In this case, the block size is set to 100 bytes.
  • count=${1}: Specifies how many blocks to copy. Here, it is set to 1, so only one block of 100 bytes will be copied.

When you execute this command, it will read 100 bytes of random data from /dev/urandom and write it to the specified output file ${path-to-random_file}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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