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ddcutil: Read the settings of display 1.
$ ddcutil -d ${1} getvcp ${ALL}
try on your machine

The command "ddcutil" is used to control monitor settings via DDC/CI (Display Data Channel/Command Interface) protocol.

Let's break down the provided command:

  • "ddcutil": It is the main command used to interact with the monitor using DDC/CI protocol.
  • "-d ${1}": This option specifies the display device to operate on. It uses the value passed as the first argument (denoted by ${1}). In most cases, the value would be the display number, such as "0" or "1", used to select a specific monitor when multiple monitors are connected.
  • "getvcp": This is the subcommand of "ddcutil" used to read the value of a specific VCP (Video Electronics Standards Association Control Command Set) code on the monitor.
  • "${ALL}": This option specifies which VCP codes to retrieve. "ALL" indicates to get information for all VCP codes available on the monitor.

Overall, the command is requesting the current values of all available VCP codes for a specific display device.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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