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ddcutil: Increase the contrast (option 0x12) of display 1 by 5%.
$ ddcutil -d ${1} setvcp ${12} ${+} ${5}
try on your machine

This command uses the ddcutil tool to control the settings of a display device. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • ddcutil: It is the command-line utility used to communicate with and control display devices that support DDC/CI (Display Data Channel Command Interface).

  • -d ${1}: The -d option is used to specify the display device to control. ${1} refers to the first argument passed to the command when executed. So, the value passed as the first argument will be used as the device identifier.

  • setvcp: This is a sub-command of ddcutil used to set the value of a VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) Control Panel (VCP) code. VCP codes allow control of various settings on a display device, such as brightness, contrast, color balance, etc.

  • ${12}: ${12} represents the 12th argument passed to the command. It is used as the VCP code identifier for the setting to modify. The specific code will depend on the setting you want to change.

  • ${+}: This symbol is used to indicate the desired operation on the VCP value. In this case, it is used to increment the current value by the next argument.

  • ${5}: Represents the 5th argument passed to the command, which is the value to be added or subtracted from the current VCP value. The specific value will depend on the operation you want to perform and the setting you are modifying.

Overall, the command is used to modify a specific setting on a display device identified by the first argument, using the VCP code specified by the 12th argument, and adjusting its value by the value specified in the 5th argument.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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