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ddev: Configure a project's type and docroot.
$ ddev config
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The command "ddev config" is a command used in the DDEV tool, which is a local development environment for web projects.

The "ddev config" command is used to configure the project-specific settings for a DDEV project. When executed, it opens an interactive prompt where you can provide specific configuration options and values for your project.

Some of the common configuration options include:

  • Name: The name of the project
  • Docroot: The directory where your project's web files are located.
  • Database type: The type of database you want to use, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Database name: The name of the database to be used for your project.
  • PHP version: The version of PHP to be used.

By running "ddev config" and answering the prompts, you can define these options and customize your development environment according to your project's requirements. The configurations are stored in a .ddev/config.yaml file within your project directory, allowing you to easily reproduce and share your environment settings with others working on the project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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