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debchange: Add a new version for a non-maintainer upload to the changelog.
$ debchange --nmu
try on your machine

The debchange command is used to create a new entry in the changelog of a Debian package. The --nmu flag is used to specify that the package has been "non-maintainer uploaded."

A non-maintainer upload (NMU) is when someone other than the package maintainer uploads a new version of the package to the Debian archive. This is typically done when the package has a bug or a security issue that needs to be fixed quickly, and the maintainer is not available or unable to do it themselves.

The debchange --nmu command will open an editor with a template for creating a new entry in the changelog for the package, specifically indicating that the upload is an NMU. You can then modify the template with the relevant information, such as the version number, the urgency of the upload, the changes made, and your contact information.

After saving and closing the editor, the debchange command will automatically update the changelog file with the new entry, including the NMU designation. This helps provide transparency and clarity about the changes made to the package and who was responsible for them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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