The command "debsecan --suite ${release_code_name} --only-fixed" is used to run the "debsecan" tool with certain options.
Here is a breakdown of each part of the command:
"debsecan": This is the name of the command-line tool that is being invoked. "debsecan" stands for Debian Security Analyzer.
"--suite ${release_code_name}": This option specifies the Debian distribution suite to analyze. The "${release_code_name}" part is a placeholder that should be replaced with the specific name of the Debian release. For example, "buster" or "stretch". This option helps to determine which vulnerabilities and fixes are applicable to the specified Debian version.
"--only-fixed": This option instructs "debsecan" to only show vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the specified Debian release. It filters out any vulnerabilities that are still open or unresolved.
Overall, this command is used to analyze the security status of a Debian distribution, focusing only on fixed vulnerabilities for a specific release. It helps to identify any security issues that have been addressed by the Debian security team.