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debsecan: List only fixed vulnerabilities of unstable ("sid") and mail to root.
$ debsecan --suite ${sid} --only-fixed --format ${report} --mailto ${root} --update-history
try on your machine

This command is running the debsecan tool with the specified options and parameters:

  • debsecan: debsecan is a tool used for checking Debian-based systems for known vulnerabilities in installed packages.
  • --suite ${sid}: This option specifies the Debian suite to analyze. ${sid} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired suite name.
  • --only-fixed: This option tells debsecan to only report vulnerabilities that have fixed versions available as updates.
  • --format ${report}: This option specifies the format of the report generated. ${report} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired format.
  • --mailto ${root}: This option specifies the email address where the report should be sent. ${root} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired email address.
  • --update-history: This option includes information about the update history of the packages in the report.

Overall, this command scans the specified Debian suite for vulnerabilities, generates a report in the specified format, sends the report to the specified email address, and includes the update history of the packages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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