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deemix: Download track / playlist at a specific bitrate.
$ deemix --bitrate ${select} ${url}
try on your machine

The command "deemix --bitrate ${select} ${url}" is a command-line instruction or command used to interact with the deemix software tool. Deemix is a command-line utility used for downloading and streaming music from the Deezer streaming service.

This specific command has two placeholders or variables: "${select}" and "${url}". These variables need to be replaced with actual values before running the command.

  • "${select}" refers to the desired bitrate for the audio files to be downloaded. Bitrate represents the amount of data (in bits) encoded or transmitted per second. For example, possible values for this variable could be "320" for a bitrate of 320 kbps (kilobits per second) or "192" for a lower quality of 192 kbps.
  • "${url}" refers to the URL of the song, album, or playlist on Deezer that you want to download or stream. You need to replace this placeholder with the specific URL of your desired content.

Once you replace the placeholders with the actual values, the command will instruct the deemix software to initiate the download or streaming of the music at the specified bitrate from the provided Deezer URL.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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