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dep: Rollback to the previous working release.
$ dep rollback
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The command "dep rollback" is used in the context of dependency management in software development.

When working on a project, developers often rely on external libraries or dependencies to provide certain functionality. These dependencies are typically managed using a dependency manager tool.

In this case, "dep" refers to one such dependency manager called Dep. Dep is used primarily for managing dependencies in Go projects.

The "rollback" command in Dep is used to revert to a previous version of a dependency that was previously installed.

When a new version of a dependency is installed, it is possible that it introduces bugs or compatibility issues with the project. In such cases, the "dep rollback" command allows developers to switch back to a previous version of the dependency, ensuring that the project remains stable and functional.

By running "dep rollback," developers can select the specific version of the dependency they want to revert to, and Dep will handle the process of replacing the current version with the chosen one.

Overall, the "dep rollback" command in Dep helps to mitigate issues that arise from using incompatible or faulty versions of dependencies in a project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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