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dep: Interactively initialize deployer in the local path (use a framework template with `--template={{template}}`).
$ dep init
try on your machine

The "dep init" command is used to initialize a new Go project with the dependency management tool called "dep". "dep" is an official dependency management tool for Go projects.

When you run "dep init" command in the root directory of your Go project, it generates a "Gopkg.toml" file and a "Gopkg.lock" file.

The "Gopkg.toml" file contains the configuration and specifications of your project's dependencies. It lists the required packages and their respective versions or constraints. You can manually edit this file to add or modify dependencies as needed.

The "Gopkg.lock" file is a generated file that tracks the actual versions of the dependencies used in your project. It ensures that the same versions are used for each subsequent build, providing reproducible builds.

By running "dep init", you are setting up your project to manage dependencies using dep, and initializing the necessary files for tracking and managing the dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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