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dex: Execute all programs in the specified folders.
$ dex --autostart --search-paths ${path-to-directory1}:${path-to-directory2}:${path-to-directory3}:
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be a command for running a program called "dex" with certain options and arguments. Let's break down the command:

  • "dex": This is the name of the program or command that you are running. It is likely a tool or utility installed on your system.


  • "--autostart": This is an option or flag that you are passing to the "dex" command. It instructs the command to automatically start whatever it needs to run.

  • "--search-paths": This is another option or flag that you are passing to the "dex" command. It specifies that you want to provide a list of search paths.


  • "${path-to-directory1}:${path-to-directory2}:${path-to-directory3}": These are the arguments to the "--search-paths" option. They specify a list of directories (paths) that "dex" should search for specific files or resources it needs.

To use this command, you need to replace "${path-to-directory1}:${path-to-directory2}:${path-to-directory3}" with the actual paths to the directories you want to include in the search paths. The directories should be separated by colons (:).

For example, if you have three directories "dir1", "dir2", and "dir3" located at "/path/to/directory1", "/path/to/directory2", and "/path/to/directory3" respectively, you would modify the command like this:

dex --autostart --search-paths /path/to/directory1:/path/to/directory2:/path/to/directory3

This would run the "dex" command with the autostart option and use the provided search paths to locate any required files or resources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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