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dex: Preview the programs would be executed in a regular autostart.
$ dex --autostart --dry-run
try on your machine

The command dex --autostart --dry-run is used to simulate the autostart functionality of a Linux distribution's desktop environment. Let's break down the command and its options:

  • dex: It is the name of the command or program that is being executed.
  • --autostart: This option tells dex to simulate the autostart functionality. Autostart typically refers to programs or scripts that are automatically launched when a user logs into their desktop environment.
  • --dry-run: This option instructs dex to perform a trial run, where it simulates the execution of autostart programs without actually launching them. It allows the user to see what would happen if the autostart functionality was applied, without making any actual changes to the system.

In summary, the dex --autostart --dry-run command is used to perform a trial run and simulate autostart functionality in a Linux desktop environment. It helps users identify potential issues or conflicts before making any permanent changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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