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dfc: Display filesystems and their disk usage in human-readable form with colors and graphs.
$ dfc
try on your machine

The "dfc" command is not a standard command in most Unix-like operating systems and is not found in the common command-line tools. Hence, there is no standard explanation for this command.

However, it is possible that "dfc" refers to a custom or third-party command that provides a more visually appealing and informative representation of file system disk usage. It might display the disk usage statistics in a tabular or graphical format, providing details such as total disk space, used space, available space, and file system type.

If you are using a specific software or utility that includes a "dfc" command, I would recommend referring to its documentation or visiting its official website for a thorough explanation of how the command functions and what information it provides.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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