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dfc: Display all filesystems including pseudo, duplicate and inaccessible filesystems.
$ dfc -a
try on your machine

The command "dfc -a" is used to display disk usage information in a more detailed and visually appealing format. "dfc" is a command-line utility that stands for Disk Free and shows the amount of free and used disk space on a file system.

The "-a" flag is used to show information about all available file systems, including local and networked file systems. By default, the "dfc" command only shows information about local file systems.

When you execute "dfc -a" in the terminal, it will provide a detailed overview of each file system, including their mount points, disk usage, available space, used space, and percentage of usage. It may also display visual indicators using colored bars to represent usage levels.

By combining the "dfc" command with the "-a" flag, you get a comprehensive view of disk space usage across all file systems on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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