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diff: Compare directories recursively (shows names for differing files/directories as well as changes made to files).
$ diff --recursive ${old_directory} ${new_directory}
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The "diff" command is used in Unix-like operating systems to compare and display the differences between two files or directories. In this specific command:

  1. "diff" is the command itself.
  2. "--recursive" is an option that tells the command to compare and display the differences between the given directories and their contents recursively, i.e., it will also compare the subdirectories and their contents.
  3. "${old_directory}" is a placeholder for the directory path or directory name of the first directory you want to compare.
  4. "${new_directory}" is a placeholder for the directory path or directory name of the second directory you want to compare.

In summary, this command compares the contents of two directories, including all subdirectories, and displays the differences between them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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