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diffstat: Display inserted, deleted and modified changes as a table.
$ diff ${file1} ${file2} | diffstat -t
try on your machine

This command is comprised of two parts, separated by the pipe symbol (|).

The first part, "diff ${file1} ${file2}", uses the diff command to compare the contents of two files, "${file1}" and "${file2}". The diff command analyzes the differences between the two files and displays the changes line by line. The dollar sign and curly braces indicate that the values of "file1" and "file2" are variables, so you would need to replace them with actual file names or paths when running the command.

The second part, "diffstat -t", takes the output of the diff command and passes it as input to the diffstat command. The diffstat command is used to summarize the changes made between two files. In this case, the "-t" option is specified, which formats the output as a "tabular" summary.

To summarize, this command compares the contents of two files and generates a tabular summary of the differences between them using the diff and diffstat commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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