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dirb: Scan a webserver using a specified user-agent and cookie for HTTP-requests.
$ dirb ${https:--example-org} -a ${user_agent_string} -c ${cookie_string}
try on your machine

The given command is using the dirb tool to perform a directory and file enumeration on a specific website.

  • dirb is the name of the tool being invoked.
  • ${https:--example-org} is the URL of the website being targeted. It is important to note that the URL should not include the brackets ${}; they are used here to represent variable placeholders.
  • -a is an option flag used to specify that the tool should use an alternate user agent string.
  • ${user_agent_string} is the desired user agent string, which is a text string that identifies the web browser or client making the request. Again, the actual user agent string should be provided, not the placeholder ${}.
  • -c is an option flag used to include a specific cookie string in the request.
  • ${cookie_string} is the desired cookie string that needs to be included in the request. Like the previous variables, make sure to provide the actual cookie string instead of the ${} placeholder.

Overall, this command instructs the dirb tool to scan the specified URL while using an alternate user agent string and including a specific cookie string in the request.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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