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dirb: Scan a webserver using a custom wordlist.
$ dirb ${https:--example-org} ${path-to-wordlist-txt}
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The command dirb is a popular tool used for web content discovery. It is commonly used to find hidden directories and files on a web server.

Let's break down the command:

  • dirb is the command itself, which invokes the dirb tool.
  • ${https:--example-org} is a placeholder for the target URL you want to scan. This should be replaced with the actual URL you want to test. The URL should include the protocol (https://) and the domain name ( in this case).
  • ${path-to-wordlist-txt} is another placeholder representing the path to a wordlist file. A wordlist is a text file that contains a list of possible directory or file names. This is used by dirb to try different directory and file names in order to discover hidden content. Replace this placeholder with the actual file path to a wordlist you want to use.

Once you replace the placeholders with the appropriate values, this command will run the dirb tool against the specified URL using the provided wordlist. It will scan the web server for directories and files that may not be easily discoverable through normal browsing. The tool will then display the results, indicating any discovered directories or files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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