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direnv: Grant direnv permission to load the `.envrc` present in the current directory.
$ direnv allow ${-}
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The command direnv allow ${-} is used to allow direnv to load or reload the .envrc file in the current shell session. Let's break down the elements of this command:

  • direnv: This is the executable command used to interact with direnv, which is an environment switcher for the shell. It allows you to automatically load or unload environment variables based on the current working directory.

  • allow: This is an argument for the direnv command, instructing it to allow the loading or reloading of the .envrc file.

  • ${-}: This is a shell variable expansion used to pass the value of the current shell options to the direnv command. The - here represents the current value of the shell options, as set by the shell itself. This ensures that the current shell options are inherited by the direnv command, allowing it to function properly within the current shell session.

Overall, the command direnv allow ${-} is used to explicitly tell direnv to load or reload the .envrc file while inheriting the current shell options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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