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direnv: Trigger a reload of the environment.
$ direnv reload
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The "direnv reload" command is used to reload the configuration of the direnv tool.

Direnv is a utility that allows you to manage environment variables in your shell session for different projects or directories. It enables you to define and load specific environment variables when you navigate into a particular directory, and automatically unloads them when you move out of that directory.

The "direnv reload" command is used when you have made changes to the .envrc file (which stores the environment variables for the directory) or to the direnv global configuration. It triggers a reload of the configuration, causing direnv to re-evaluate the .envrc file and update the environment variables accordingly.

By running "direnv reload," you ensure that any changes you've made to the environment variables in the .envrc file or the direnv configuration are applied immediately, without having to restart your shell session. This command is particularly useful when you are actively working on a project and need to manage environment variables on the fly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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