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diskonaut: Start diskonaut in the current directory.
$ diskonaut
try on your machine

The command "diskonaut" is a tool that helps you visualize and analyze disk space usage on your system. It provides a visual representation of your disk space usage, making it easier to understand which files and directories are consuming the most space.

When you run the "diskonaut" command, it scans the file system and presents a treemap visualization on the terminal. The treemap is divided into rectangles, where each rectangle represents a directory, and its size is proportional to the disk space it occupies. The rectangles are color-coded, with different colors representing different types of files (e.g., directories, regular files, symbolic links, etc.).

You can navigate through the treemap using keyboard commands. By selecting a directory or file, you can view its details, including its size, permissions, and path. You can easily drill down into subdirectories to get a more granular view of disk space usage.

Overall, "diskonaut" provides a user-friendly and interactive way to analyze and manage disk space usage, helping you identify large and unnecessary files or directories that may be taking up valuable storage space.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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