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diskpart: List all disks.
$ list disk
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The command "list disk" is a command used in computer systems, specifically in the context of operating systems like Windows. It is used to display a list of all the available disks or storage devices connected to the computer.

When you run "list disk" in a command prompt or a Windows PowerShell, it will show you information about each disk connected to your system, typically including the disk number, size, and status. This is useful for gaining an overview of your storage devices, especially if you need to manage or troubleshoot them.

The list of disks displayed by the command may include internal hard drives, external hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), USB flash drives, and any other storage devices that are currently connected to the computer.

It's worth noting that the "list disk" command only displays physical disks, rather than logical drives or partitions. To see a detailed list of partitions on a specific disk, you can use the command "list partition" after selecting the desired disk using additional commands like "select disk x" (where x is the disk number).

Overall, "list disk" provides a quick and easy way to view information about the available disks in your computer system, which can be helpful for storage management tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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