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distrobox-list: List all distrobox containers with verbose information.
$ distrobox-list --verbose
try on your machine

The command distrobox-list --verbose is likely used to list and display information about distroboxes in a computing environment with additional details in a verbose manner.

In more detail, here is what each component of the command means:

  • distrobox-list is the name of the command or program that is being executed. It likely refers to a tool or utility associated with managing and working with distroboxes.

  • --verbose is a command-line flag or option that is used to request more detailed or verbose output from the distrobox-list command. When this flag is included, the command is expected to provide additional or extended information about the distroboxes being listed.

Overall, executing the distrobox-list --verbose command would retrieve a list of distroboxes present in the system, along with more detailed information about each distrobox. The specific output and details given would depend on the functionality and design of the distrobox-list tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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