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distrobox-stop: Stop a distrobox container non-interactively (without confirmation).
$ distrobox-stop --name ${container_name} --yes
try on your machine

This command is used to stop a container in a Linux distribution or operating system.

Explanation of the components:

  • distrobox-stop is the name of the command or script that is being executed. It is specific to a certain Linux distribution or operating system and is responsible for stopping containers.
  • --name ${container_name} specifies the name of the container that needs to be stopped. ${container_name} is likely a variable, and the actual name of the container is provided as its value. The container name is necessary to identify which container should be stopped.
  • --yes is an optional parameter that confirms the action without asking for user confirmation. It ensures that the command will not prompt for a confirmation to stop the container, and instead, it automatically assumes the user's acceptance to proceed.

By running this command in a terminal or command prompt, it will initiate the stopping process for the specified container without requiring any additional confirmation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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