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dkms: Rebuild all modules for the currently running kernel.
$ dkms autoinstall
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The command "dkms autoinstall" is used in Linux systems to automatically install and configure any DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) modules that are marked for installation.

DKMS enables the installation of kernel modules that can be automatically rebuilt and reinstalled whenever a new kernel version is installed or updated on the system. This is particularly useful for third-party or out-of-tree kernel modules that may not be included in the mainline kernel.

The "autoinstall" parameter tells the DKMS utility to automatically install all DKMS modules that are marked for installation. It scans the system for any compatible kernel modules, compiles them if necessary, and installs them into the appropriate directories, ensuring they are ready for use with the current kernel.

By running "dkms autoinstall", you ensure that any newly added DKMS modules are installed and configured without the need for manual intervention.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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