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dlv: Compile and begin tracing a program.
$ dlv trace ${package} --regexp '${regular_expression}'
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The command dlv trace ${package} --regexp '${regular_expression}' is used to debug and trace a Go program using the dlv debugger tool with a specified regular expression.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • dlv: The command to run the dlv debugger tool.
  • trace: The dlv subcommand to enable tracing of a Go program.
  • ${package}: The Go package you want to trace. It should be replaced with the actual package name.
  • --regexp: A flag to specify a regular expression pattern to filter the traced functions or methods.
  • '${regular_expression}': The regular expression pattern enclosed in single quotes. It should be replaced with the desired regular expression.

When you execute this command, the dlv debugger will start tracing the specified Go package. It will capture and print information about each function or method call that matches the provided regular expression pattern.

The regular expression is useful when you only want to trace specific functions or methods that match a particular pattern. For example, if you provide a regular expression of ^MyFunction$, it will only trace the function named MyFunction.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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