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dlv: Compile and begin debugging the main package in the current directory (by default, with no arguments).
$ dlv debug
try on your machine

The command "dlv debug" initiates a debugging session using the dlv (Delve) tool. Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language, and "dlv debug" is one of its commands to interact with the debugger.

When you run "dlv debug" followed by a Go program's executable file, it launches the debugger and attaches it to the given program. This allows you to inspect and control the execution of the program by setting breakpoints, stepping through the code, examining variables, and more.

During the debugging session, you can use various commands provided by dlv to navigate through the code and gain insights into its behavior. Some common commands in the dlv debugger include:

  • "break" or "b": Sets a breakpoint at a particular source code line or function.
  • "continue" or "c": Resumes the execution until the next breakpoint or program termination.
  • "step" or "s": Steps into the next source code line, entering function calls if encountered.
  • "next" or "n": Steps over the next source code line, skipping function calls.
  • "print" or "p": Prints the value of a variable at the current execution point.
  • "quit" or "q": Exits the debugging session.

These commands (and more) allow developers to investigate the state of their Go programs, identify bugs, and understand the flow of execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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