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dmidecode: Show all DMI table contents.
$ sudo dmidecode
try on your machine

The "sudo dmidecode" command is a terminal command typically used in Linux-based operating systems. It is used to retrieve hardware information from the system's BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) and DMI (Desktop Management Interface) tables.

The "sudo" part stands for "superuser do," which allows the command to be executed with administrative privileges. Running a command with sudo grants the user permissions to access system resources that are typically restricted. This is necessary, as retrieving hardware information requires privileged access.

The "dmidecode" part of the command refers to the specific utility used to query the BIOS and DMI tables. The DMI tables provide detailed information about the system's hardware components, such as the motherboard, memory, processor, and so on.

When executed, the "sudo dmidecode" command retrieves a comprehensive report of hardware information, displaying it on the terminal. This includes details like the BIOS version, manufacturer, system model, CPU details, installed memory modules, and various other hardware-related information.

The command can be useful for troubleshooting hardware-related issues, verifying hardware compatibility, or simply gaining a deeper understanding of the system's components.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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