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dnf: View all past operations.
$ dnf history
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The command dnf history is used in Linux-based systems to display the history of package management operations performed using the dnf command-line package manager.

When executed, this command presents a list of commands and transactions that have been executed by dnf, along with the time, date, and summary of each transaction. It provides a chronological overview of package installation, upgrade, or removal operations.

The output includes a numerical identifier assigned to each transaction, allowing users to revert or undo specific operations if necessary. Additionally, it shows the user responsible for the actions, which can be helpful in multi-user environments. The dnf history command also mentions any error messages encountered during transactions.

This command is particularly useful for system administrators to track changes made to the system, diagnose issues, or reproduce particular package management operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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