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dnsmap: Store results to a CSV file.
$ dnsmap ${example-com} -c ${filename-csv}
try on your machine

The command you provided is likely used to perform DNS mapping or DNS enumeration on a specific domain using the tool dnsmap.

Let's break down the command and its components:

dnsmap: This is the name of the executable or the command-line tool being used. It is an application specifically designed to perform DNS mapping, which involves discovering and mapping all the subdomains of a target domain.

${example-com}: This is a placeholder for a specific domain name you want to perform DNS mapping on. In this case, ${example-com} should be replaced with the actual domain name you want to scan. For example, if you want to scan, you would replace ${example-com} with

-c: This is an option or flag used to specify the output format of the scan results. In this case, it seems to be followed by ${filename-csv} which is another placeholder for the desired name of the output file in CSV (Comma-separated values) format. You need to replace ${filename-csv} with the desired name you want to give to the CSV file where the scan results will be saved. For example, if you want to name the output file as results.csv, you would replace ${filename-csv} with results.csv.

To summarize, the command dnsmap ${example-com} -c ${filename-csv} is used to run the dnsmap tool to perform DNS mapping on a specified domain ${example-com} and save the scan results in a CSV file ${filename-csv}. Remember to replace both ${example-com} and ${filename-csv} with the actual values you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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