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dnstracer: Retry each request 5 times on failure.
$ dnstracer -r ${5} ${www-example-com}
try on your machine

The command you mentioned is using the "dnstracer" tool with some arguments and variables.

Here is what each part of the command does:

  • "dnstracer": A command-line tool that traces the DNS (Domain Name System) queries from a given domain or host, showing the DNS servers involved in resolving the domain.

  • "-r": An argument used to specify the number of iterations or hops to be traced. In this case, the variable "${5}" is used to represent the number of iterations or hops.

  • "${5}": A variable that holds the number of iterations or hops to be traced. It could be a specific number defined elsewhere in the script or command line. For example, if "${5}" is set to 3, the command will trace the DNS queries for three iterations.

  • "${www-example-com}": Another variable that represents the domain name to be traced. This variable should contain the actual domain name or hostname you want to trace. For example, if "${www-example-com}" is set to "", the command will trace the DNS queries for the "" domain.

In summary, the command "dnstracer -r ${5} ${www-example-com}" is used to trace the DNS queries for a specified domain or hostname, with the number of iterations or hops determined by the value of "${5}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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