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doas: Launch the default shell as root.
$ doas -s
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The doas -s command is used to execute a command or run a shell session with superuser (root) privileges on UNIX-like systems.

Here's a breakdown of the different components of this command:

  • doas: It is an alternative to the sudo command, used to run commands with administrative privileges. It stands for "do as" and is commonly found in OpenBSD and some other UNIX-like systems.

  • -s: This option is used to run an interactive shell session with superuser privileges. It allows the user to execute multiple commands as root without having to prefix each command with doas, making it convenient for administrative tasks.

By executing doas -s, you gain temporary root privileges and gain access to administrative operations and system files that are typically restricted to regular users. It is important to use this command with caution, as it grants significant power and can potentially cause harm to the system if misused.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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