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doas: Run a command as another user.
$ doas -u ${user} ${command}
try on your machine

The doas command in Unix-like operating systems (such as OpenBSD) is similar to sudo and allows a user to execute a command with the privileges of another user. Here is an explanation of the provided command:

  • doas: The command itself, which grants temporary superuser privileges.
  • -u ${user}: Specifies the user whose privileges you want to assume. ${user} is a shell variable, and its actual value should be provided at the time of execution.
  • ${command}: Represents the command that you want to execute with escalated privileges. The value of ${command} is another shell variable that should be replaced with the actual command when using the doas command.

By using this command, the user running the doas command can execute ${command} as the ${user} specified, assuming their privileges and rights.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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