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docker: Analyze Docker layers from a specific image.
$ docker-slim xray --target ${image:tag}
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The command docker-slim xray --target ${image:tag} is using the Docker Slim tool to analyze a Docker image specified by image and tag.

Let's break down the command:

  • docker-slim: This is the command to execute the Docker Slim tool.
  • xray: This is one of the commands available in Docker Slim. It performs static analysis on the target image and provides information about its structure, layers, and file system.
  • --target ${image:tag}: This flag specifies the target image to be analyzed. ${image:tag} represents the name and tag of the desired image. For example, if the image name is my-image and the tag is latest, it would be written as ${my-image:latest}. By passing this argument, Docker Slim will focus its analysis on this particular image.

Overall, this command runs the Docker Slim xray command on a specific Docker image, allowing you to gain insights about its internals and potential areas for optimization or improvement.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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