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docker: List currently running docker machines.
$ docker-machine ls
try on your machine

The command "docker-machine ls" is used to list all the Docker machines that are created on your system.

Docker Machine is a tool that helps you to install Docker Engine on multiple remote hosts, provision Dockerized hosts, and manage the host's lifecycle.

When you run "docker-machine ls" command, it lists all the Docker machines with the following columns:

  • NAME: The name of the Docker machine.
  • ACTIVE: Indicates if the machine is currently active or not.
  • DRIVER: Specifies the driver used to create the Docker machine (e.g., virtualbox, aws, etc.).
  • STATE: Indicates the current state of the Docker machine (e.g., Running, Stopped).
  • URL: The URL of the Docker machine's host. This is the address you will use to connect to the Docker machine.

Overall, "docker-machine ls" helps you to view the list of Docker machines that are available on your system, allowing you to manage and interact with them effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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