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docsify: Initialize a new documentation in the current directory.
$ docsify init
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The command docsify init is used to initialize a new documentation site using Docsify.

Docsify is a lightweight documentation generator that allows you to create beautiful and responsive documentation websites from markdown files. It helps in creating easily maintainable and customizable documentation for your projects.

When you run docsify init, it performs the following actions:

  1. It creates an _index.html file in the current directory. This file serves as the entry point for your documentation site.
  2. It creates a file in the current directory. This file is where you can write the main content of your documentation in markdown format.
  3. It creates a .nojekyll file in the current directory. This file is used to disable Jekyll processing on GitHub Pages when hosting your documentation site there. This step is necessary because GitHub Pages, by default, uses Jekyll to build static websites, and Docsify does not require Jekyll.

After running docsify init, you can start writing your documentation in the file. You can use markdown syntax to format your content, add headers, lists, code blocks, images, and more. You can also customize the appearance and behavior of your documentation site by modifying the _index.html file and using various configuration options provided by Docsify.

Once you have written your documentation and made any necessary changes, you can use docsify serve command to preview your site locally and see how it would look to users.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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