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doctum: Parse a project.
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The command "doctum parse" is used in the context of the Doctum PHP documentation generator. Doctum is a tool for automatically generating API documentation for PHP projects.

The "parse" command is one of the commands provided by Doctum. It instructs Doctum to parse the PHP source code files and extract the required documentation elements from them. This includes information about classes, methods, properties, and any associated documentation comments.

By running the "doctum parse" command, you initiate the parsing process where Doctum scans the specified PHP source code files and analyzes their contents. It extracts the relevant information and stores it in a format that can be used later for generating the documentation.

After parsing the source code files, you typically proceed with running other Doctum commands, such as "doctum build". This command generates the actual documentation based on the parsed information.

In summary, the "doctum parse" command is used to analyze PHP source code files and extract the necessary information for generating API documentation using the Doctum documentation generator.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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