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doctum: Parse and render a project using a specific configuration.
$ doctum update ${path-to-config-php}
try on your machine

The command you provided:

doctum update ${path-to-config-php}

This command uses the "doctum" tool to perform an update operation.

The "doctum" tool is a PHP API documentation generator, used for creating documentation for PHP projects. It analyzes your codebase and generates a set of HTML files representing the documentation.

The "update" command is a command supported by doctum and is used to update an existing documentation set with any changes made to the codebase since the previous generation of documentation.

${path-to-config-php} is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace it with the actual path to a configuration file in PHP format. This configuration file contains the settings for the doctum tool, including the source code location, output location, theme, and more. You need to provide the correct path to this file for the command to work properly.

To use this command, replace ${path-to-config-php} with the actual path to your PHP configuration file and execute the command in the terminal or command line. It will then run the update operation based on the provided configuration, and you will see the updated documentation in the specified output location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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