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dog: Query the MX records type associated with a given domain name.
$ dog ${example-com} MX
try on your machine

This command is trying to retrieve the mail exchange (MX) record for the domain name specified as ${example-com}. However, there are a few issues with this command.

First, the use of ${example-com} suggests that it is meant to be a placeholder for an actual domain name. However, in this exact form, the shell will interpret ${example-com} as a variable, and if no variable with that name exists, it will evaluate it as an empty string. Therefore, this command would fail due to the absence of a valid domain name.

Secondly, the command itself seems to be misformed. The "dog" command is not a standard command on most systems and is more likely a typo or a mistake, assuming that it was intended to be "dig". "dig" is a common command used for DNS queries, including retrieving MX records.

A correctly formed and functional command to retrieve MX records for a domain would be:

dig MX

This command would use the "dig" command to query the DNS server for the MX records of the "" domain. The server's response will include information about the mail servers responsible for handling emails for that domain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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