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dog: Query the MX records type associated with a given domain name over TCP using explicit arguments.
$ dog --query ${example-com} --type MX --nameserver ${1-1-1-1} --tcp
try on your machine

This command is using the "dog" command-line tool to perform a DNS query for the mail exchange (MX) records of the domain "". Here's what each option means:

  • --query: Specifies the domain to query for. In this case, it is
  • --type MX: Sets the query type to MX, which means it will retrieve the mail exchange records for the specified domain.
  • --nameserver: Specifies the DNS nameserver to query. In this case, it is set to, which is a popular public DNS resolver operated by Cloudflare.
  • --tcp: Tells the tool to use the TCP protocol for the DNS query instead of the default UDP. TCP is used when the response to a DNS query might exceed the limit of a UDP packet.

By running this command, the tool will send a DNS query for the MX records of "" to the specified nameserver using TCP, and then display the resulting MX records.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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