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dog: Query over TCP rather than UDP.
$ dog ${example-com} MX @${1-1-1-1} --tcp
try on your machine

This command is using the "dog" command-line tool to perform a DNS (Domain Name System) query.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • dog: This is the command itself, representing the tool being used to interact with DNS.
  • ${example-com}: This is a variable that should be replaced with a specific domain name, such as The exact domain name is not clear in the given command.
  • MX: This indicates the type of DNS record being queried, specifically the Mail Exchange (MX) record. MX records are used to specify where email for a domain should be delivered.
  • @${1-1-1-1}: This is another variable that should be replaced with a specific DNS server IP address, such as The @ symbol indicates the DNS server to use for the query.
  • --tcp: This flag specifies that the DNS query should be performed using the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) transport protocol instead of the default UDP (User Datagram Protocol) protocol. TCP is often used for larger DNS responses that cannot fit in a single UDP packet.

Overall, this command is querying the MX record for a specific domain (${example-com}) using a specific DNS server (@${1-1-1-1}) and using TCP for the query.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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