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dog: Lookup the IP(s) associated with a hostname (A records) using DNS over HTTPS (DoH).
$ dog ${example-com} --https @${https:--cloudflare-dns-com-dns-query}
try on your machine

This command appears to use a tool called "dog" to perform a DNS query. Here's a breakdown of the different parts:

  1. dog: This is the name of the command or tool being used. It is likely a shorthand for the "DNS Over HTTPS (DOH) client" tool.

  2. ${example-com}: This is a placeholder for a domain name. In this case, it indicates that you need to replace ${example-com} with the actual domain name you want to query.

  3. --https: This flag tells the dog command to use HTTPS rather than plain DNS for the query. It indicates that the DNS query will be performed over an encrypted connection.

  4. @${https:--cloudflare-dns-com-dns-query}: This part indicates the DNS resolver to use. The @ symbol is followed by the server address. In this case, it suggests using the Cloudflare DNS resolver over HTTPS. The ${https:--cloudflare-dns-com-dns-query} is another placeholder that you need to replace with the appropriate DNS resolver address.

To use this command, replace ${example-com} with the desired domain name and ${https:--cloudflare-dns-com-dns-query} with the appropriate DNS resolver address.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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